Not the combo I had in mind
The perfect threesome has only two people on it.
I understand this post might already go on a different direction from what might have been expected. It is not about threesomes in bed, however, also to satisfy those who suggested I should have a post on that topic I will express my views at the end of this post, which is really more on what I would like to talk about instead.
Yes, the perfect threesome has only two people in it, because to me the perfect threesome is that of a couple.
It is so beautiful to be in a supportive, mutually exclusive relationship, whether a marriage or of other type. And as many know, it is hard work, sometimes destined to failure. I already shared the 5 languages framework on a past post.
Today I would like to mention a concept from my own experience and particular mix of failures and successes.
Indeed I strongly believe that to make a couple stronger and resist the test of time, there are three entities we need to take care of. We need to make a “threesome” grow.
The three entities are: You (you need to grow also thanks to the relationship); Me (I need to grow through the relationship); and Us – as a Couple – need to grow.
The third entity, that of the Couple, is such a romantic concept. It is about the common history that only two lovers share, the common/secret language, the set of dreams developed together by looking at each other and by exploring new horizons and dreaming of new adventures.
And this magical three part commitment requires balance. If only the two individuals grow, but the couple is not taken care of, we often hear of splits due to the fact that: “they grew apart”. Or, as it sometimes happen (not always on purpose!) only one person and the couple are growing, but not the other individual, then the break-up is explained as: “He/she was suffocating me!” or “I sacrificed everything for him and got nothing back”.
I reckon that talking explicitly about this balance, cultivating and observing the growth of the “couple” – in particular – might help the longevity of a relationship. Plus, depending on the romantic incline of the couple, it might be fun.
* * *
And now – as promised – for the bedroom threesomes. The perfect threesome does not exist, because it is a paradox. One would normally desire to have a threesome with the person they love. However, bringing another party to the bedroom with a loved one ruins the dynamics, introduces jealousy and suspicion. I think it is very hard if not impossible. Having said that, for a non love based threesome (kindly note for me this is defined as two females and a male, now you can object if you wish, I just say that because what follows might not apply to different definitions) well the only thing to make it work is to adhere to the Golden Rule: Everyone Involved and Constant Action! Think about it.
I hope this blog satisfies both romantics and pervs.
Dear Joseph,
firstly many compliments for your blog. For me is a little bit dangerous because I can go addicted to your topics. And this topic is really beautiful and also important.
Regarding your last topic, I send my comment to fast and to early:)) Sorry..:)) Accely all I want to wrote is when a couple really grow up (in the perfect threesome) there are no suspicious, jelosy or something else.If some of the parts are bisexual or want to make some other experiments, because of the “strong line” between the two parts, it will be not difficult to realise also as a couple this kind of “dreams”. Growing up means for me trust, love, knowing each other very well and respect the other in all way’s.
Thank you Carmen, this is really at the heart of what I was trying to say.